Exploring figurative language and the writing process

Teacher: Ms. M. Cortés
Grade: 4th
Subject: English
Unit & Theme: 4.4 Exploring Figurative Language and the Writing Process
Estándard & Expectation: Language Arts 4LA.5, 4.LA.5a
Objective: The student should demonstrate understanding of figurative language
Description &/or Instruction: Research what the figurative languages from the story My Name mean, either in English or Spanish
Due Date: Friday, December 14, 2018
Buscar que significa los siguientes idiomas figurativos en inglés y un idioma figurativo (compatible) con el mismo sentido en espanol.
Figurative language - “It’s been done a gazillion times”
Meaning in English - It’s been done too many times
Compatible en espanol - (Otra vez, por enesima vez)

  • A wild horse of a woman
  • Throw a sack over the head and carry off
  • To sit the sadness on an elbow
  • Inherit a place by the window