The Three Kings & the star

Title: The Three Kings & the star
English class: Fifth Grade
Teacher: Mrs. Clavell
Standars: Listening/Speaking Skill
L/S5.5-Identifies, states, and paraphrases the main idea or topic and important details from learned concepts or read alouds of a variety of simple informational texts; uses transitions to tell, retell, and explain a story using acquired vocabulary and appropriate language structure.
Classwork: The students will participate in a Listening Exercise. The teacher will read slowly the paragraphs from the text. The students will listen carefully to gather information and guiding words that will help them identify the main idea, topic and details about the story. They will retell the story in their own words and participate in the creation of the Three Kings using recycle materials. 
Summary: This story by Mark Rose is based on the "History of the Three Kings", attributed to John of Hildesheim (fourteenth-century), is the compilation of the events occurred to the Three Kings after their visit to baby Jesus. What followed was the construction of a chapel in worship of the child, and the burial on a gilded shrine of the Kings on the same chapel. Years later the Queen St. Helena, moved the Three Kings remains to Constantinople until Constantine's death. The Emperor Mauricius placed the relics in a Church at Milan. As a reward from war, Frederick I gave the Archbishop of Cologne the "Wise Men" relics in 1164, where they remain today. For further information please access:  http://www.archaeology.org/online/reviews/threekings/