Teacher: Mrs Cortes
Grade: 4th grade
Standards: Listening, Speaking, Writing, Reading
Expectations: 4.S.2b, 4.R.FS.12, 4.W.4, 4.LA.1, 4.LA.2
A1. Listen attentively, stay focused, ask/answer detailed questions, and express appropriate reasons using personal experience and some textual evidence.
A2. Use correct grammar in expanded simple sentences to express ideas for a variety of purposes, to respond to instructions, and to answer and formulate questions in formal and informal discussions.
A4. Focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing.
_______ ___, 20___
4.(___).2 Homework 1
/30 (1 point per noun, correctly classified)
Find the nouns in the sentences and classify them in table below.
- Maria and Jose had a baby.
- My school is in Coto Laurel, Ponce.
- My teacher gives me homework to practice.
- I like to play with my toys, animals and the computer.
- My mother cooks for me.
- My dad uses his tools, and my pencil, to work.
En una hoja de papel separada, encuentra los "nouns" en las oraciones y clasifícalos en la tabla. NO tiene que escribir las instrucciones ni las oraciones.
nombre y fecha
4.(grupo).2 Homework 1
Para entregar el viernes 4 de octubre de 2019